

Otto-Hahn-Straße 2-4 73230 Kirchheim unter Teck


+49 176 – 345 78 533
+49 7021 938 75 89

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Human Resources

Recruitment processes:

Our company, which is a leader in the industry and worldwide, carries out the recruitment process in a transparent and standardized manner by carrying out the necessary planning. We manage the recruitment process with our company conforming to the corporate culture and respecting the universal rules, with our principles that support and elevate its vision and mission.

We announce our personnel requirements via the online personnel portals we use and invite suitable candidates to a preliminary interview with the applications submitted here. Following these interviews, the most suitable candidates will be invited to Phase 2 interviews and offered a meeting with the department head. A job offer is then made to the most suitable and qualified candidate for the company policy.

    Over 40 years of experience